

Use a one-year Bible reading plan to navigate your way through the entire story of all 66 books as they tell the story of ONE God in relationship with His people. Lectio Divina is a way to read the Bible prayerfully. It’s one of many spiritual disciplines that keep you alive after being raised from the dead.

Here’s how:


Summarize what you read. This is part of internalizing the story and getting the Word in your heart.


Keep reading until something stands out, is highlighted by the Holy Spirit, or is revealed to you. Revelations are personal, and they are God’s gesture to invite you to slow down, stop, and spend more time on that area of Scripture.


Enter into the story. Entering the story occurs after God reveals something to you. Use your imagination by asking questions of the text, environment, character, and context. Stay in the story until it becomes personal to you.


What is God asking you to be or do from what you read?