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About this Guide
This field guide is an instruction manual, workbook, and tool to use in your group as you seek the renewal of your city. It's designed to be used in conjunction with a journal. Read and discuss the content with your group and write down what you hear from God and learn from each other.
The Gospel is for all times and people, and although our moment in history is unique, the call of the Gospel and the practices of the Christian life have not changed. Jesus still calls sinners, the broken, the sick, the downcast, the weak, the weary, and the hopeless to “Follow me.”
To those who would be His disciples, He tells us to seek first the Kingdom of God, to abide in Him, and to go forth and make disciples.
Filling the city with Jesus is not a catch-phrase, a program, or a method. It’s about seeking and abiding in the presence of God through the practices He has graciously provided: reading and abiding in His Word, walking in His Spirit, worship, prayer, and life in community. It is abou